European Society of Medicine
Metadichol Expression of Toll Receptor Family in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
Metadichol Expression of Toll Receptor Family in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
Metadichol Expression of Sirtuin 1-7 In Somatic and Cancer Cells
Metadichol Expression of Circadian Clock Transcription Factors in Human Fibroblasts
Expression of Yamanaka Reprogramming Factors in Cardiac, Fibroblast, and Cancer Cell Lines
Metadichol Expression of Toll Like Receptors in Cancer Cell Lines
Metadichol CD14 Glycoprotein Expression in Stem Cells and Fibroblasts
Metadichol - A Novel Agonist of the Anti-Aging Klotho Gene in Cancer Cell Lines
Metadichol - A Novel Telomerase Activator
Improving Longevity by Inhibiting BCAT1 Gene
IRS Proteins and GLUT4 Expression
A Novel Inverse Agonist of AHR and NRF2 Inhibitor
CD33 Expression in Umbilical Cord Cells
CD34 Expression in Umbilical Cord Cells
Metadichol - A Novel Sialidase Inhibitor
Metadichol - Expresses All 49 Nuclear Receptors
Metadichol - Expression of Neuronal Transcription Factors
Metadichol and SARS-CoV-2
Nipah, Laasa, and Rabies
Metadichol - Inhibition of Viruses
Metadichol - Inhibition of Dengue and Other Enveloped Viruses
Metadichol - In Vitro Inhibition of Zika Virus
Metadichol and MRSA: A Case Report
Metadichol - A Novel ICAM-1 Inhibitor
Metadichol - A Novel Nano Lipid GPR 120 Agonist
Metadichol - A Novel Nano Lipid and Diabetes
Type I Diabetes: A Case Report
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoporosis: A Case Study
Metadichol-Induced Differentiation of Pancreatic Ductal Cells (PANC-1) into Insulin-Producing Cells
Metadichol - Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) in Chronic Kidney Disease
Metadichol Fibroblasts and Embryonic Stem Cells Regulates Key Cardiac Progenitors
Metadichol - Liver Diseases
Metadichol - A Novel Inverse Agonist of Thyroid Recepto
Systolic and Diastolic BP Control in Metabolic Syndrome